Pearly penile papules treatment removal with whitening toothpaste! Does the best toothpaste method work to cure PPP?

There are a lot of different skin issues that you can deal with, but men may find that there are specific issues that affect them. For instance, you’ll find that upwards of 20% of males may face off against pearly penile papules. This is often referred to as PPP and it’s something that can be unsightly and can even scare some people overall. It’s something that is not a great thing to deal with, but it’s not an impossible thing to deal with. Understanding what these are, how they form, and of course how to get rid of them may very well help you get the upper hand against them overall.

Focusing On What PPP Truly Is

The thing you should know about this issue is that it’s not a sexually transmitted disease. This is an issue that can cause small growths on the head of the penis and doesn’t really cause a major disruption. It is unsightly, however. PPP is known as pearly penile papules and can be found underneath the head of the penis and along the shaft at times. These are strung together skin elements that look like small pearly white things. You may not even know that you have them until you look closely, as many people don’t really check to see if these are forming. If you are not circumcised, you may need to pull the foreskin back to see if you have these along the head of the penis, but they are small growths that do not bleed, do not cause much stress, and are simply unsightly.

Getting Rid of PPP Safely

There are a few ways to get rid of PPP. This is an issue that will go away on its own, but if you want to accelerate that, you’ll find that there are a few things that you can do. The most common option may even surprise you, it involves toothpaste. That’s correct, this involves adding toothpaste to the head of your penis in order to remove the issue outright.

Getting rid of this issue requires you to purchase whitening toothpaste and then applying it to the areas that you see papules form. Where you see these elements, you will be applying the toothpaste to it. You can leave the toothpaste on for upwards of 30 minutes to let it settle in, while some may find that it’s tolerable to leave for a long time.

The toothpaste has antibacterial properties that will help eradicate the PPP issue without much of a problem. Within a short span of time, often within a few applications, you can see results occur. It’s a great thing to consider and something that is definitely worth exploring.

What If It Doesn’t Work?

There is a rare instance that your toothpaste may not help with removing PPP. In the case that there’s no traction, or you suspect that there’s something else that you’re dealing with, you may need to get a helping hand. Most often, however, you’ll find that you will be able to clean this issue and clear up the problem with toothpaste.