There are a lot of individuals that will wake up today and find that they will have something known as pearly penile papules. PPP is something that only causes trouble for upwards of 20% of individuals overall. It’s something that can cause a great deal of disruption, since most people don’t know what they are looking at. If you find that you have small growths under the head of the penis, you may need to consider how to get rid of them, and what the bigger issue may be. There is a way to get rid of these things with ease, using apple cider vinegar. However, you’ll need to consider a few notes before you use anything on the dermis of your penis.
Understanding PPP
The first thing that you should know about PPP is that it’s a small area of growth that is not going to cause much of a disruption. The issue that you’re going to find to be true here is that it’s benign, not going to cause bleeding, or anything else. Papules are small growths that are part of connective tissue, strung together like bumps or pimples. However, they are not going to pop, bleed, and will not be sexually transmitted at all.
Do not panic. You should not feel that this is a major disruption at all. Since it’s benign, you can find homeopathic solutions that can help you get rid of this issue with relative ease. Understanding how to get rid of this starts with knowing that this is not going to cause much of a problem, since it’s a matter of genetics etc. This is not contagious, will not cause more than a psychological issue, and may very well be something that you won’t have to deal with more than once in a lifetime. Cleaning things up can be done at home, without the advice of a professional in the medical field.
Using Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar used topically can help with clearing up a lot of different skin issues. One of the major skin issues that this can help with is that of PPP. To ensure that you’re able to help remove this PPP issue, you’ll need to apply vinegar to the areas. Under the head of the penis and the shaft, apply apple cider vinegar 3 times a day. That’s a simple thing to work with. This can be utilized with a small cotton ball and simply applied to the dermis of the penis. Small bumps will fall away and will not leave behind any scabs or scarring or any loss of tissue at all.
Pearly penis papules are common amidst men. When they appear, you could very well panic because it looks like something far worse. Sexually transmitted diseases can manifest with growths, but they are not going to manifest the same way that you would see the formation of PPP elements on the skin. This is something simple to navigate away from, and with the help of holistic options you can get rid of papules overall.