Does everyone have pearly penile papules? Understanding PPP will answer this question!

When you first hear about having pearly penile papules, you may wonder if you’re alone. The truth of the matter is simple, not everyone will get PPP. In fact, it’s been noted that only roughly 20% of men will have to deal with this on any level. This is something that is not difficult to manage, but can be tough to see if you’re not sure what is going on. Many men look to see if they have any changes to their penis, and find the small bumps to be something that could very well be something to panic about. Before you panic at any changes, make sure that you know that this is something that is not going to be extreme, and it is not going to be associated with any STD or STI. Knowing more about this can help you understand what to do, and how to react when you see anything change on the penile tissue.

Only Men Will Deal With This

The very first thing that you should know about this issue is that only men have to deal with this. It’s something that many men will not have to deal with, but there are some that will. Only 20% worldwide have to deal with this issue. This is something that can go away, mind you.

The main defining line of what this is starts with the penis. It’s a small group of tiny growths that are connected together, and will only be on the head of the penis and the shaft. These are benign, they do not puss, they do not bleed, they do not cause any pain, or irritation. They are just small growths that come up from the skin, and that’s it. There’s nothing major to worry about here, mind you, although it may look unsightly at first.

Getting Rid of PPP

There are many ways that you can get rid of pearly penile papules. The most common solutions involve topical options that you can purchase over the counter. You do not need to visit a doctor in nearly all cases of pearly penile papules, unless you want to, and you just want to get rid of things faster. Chances are, you will not have to deal with this too long, if you just look at a few options that can help rid the option.

The most common solutions are topical, as stated, but some may be in your own home. For instance, apple cider vinegar can help with cleaning up the bumps without worry. You will want to place small amounts of the substance on the PPP areas that you have, up to twice a day and let it dry, and that’s it. Within a short span, you can get rid of the issue.

Another option is to work with aloe vera. Aloe vera is a great option that can help with cleaning up the skin, and it’s soft, and will not cause any disruption. This is a simple solution that works well with creating a solution for PPP. Just apply this on the issue as you see it, and you’ll end up with a positive push forward.