There are a lot of different issues that men can have on the penis. Many times, any changes to the penile tissue will mean that there’s a sexually transmitted disease afoot. However, it’s imperative to realize that not everything associated … READ MORE
Author: Michael Kennedy
Will Clotrimazole (brand name: Canesten) work to banish pearly penile papules?
Of the many skin problems that men can face, pearly penile papules is one of the many. The thing is about this, is that it comes up like many sexually transmitted diseases. When these elements start, they end up coming … READ MORE
Does the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have a vaccine for pearly penile papules?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have a lot of elements that help people from all walks of life. They even help with vaccinations around the world. They help with health for men, women, and all children. When you … READ MORE
Does bodybuilding cause the formation of pearly penile papules? Are bodybuilders more prone to PPP?
Bodybuilding has a lot of different side effects, but not because of the process. You could start to lift weights and do well, but there are going to be issues that come into play if you are trying to work … READ MORE
Is baking soda and garlic some good home remedies for eliminating pearly penile papules?
There are a lot of skin irritations that can come up on the skin. Some are extreme, and some aren’t so extreme. In the option that is not so extreme, you’ll need to look into things that are somewhat simple … READ MORE
Are pearly penile papules (PPP) bumps in a baby boy toddler a common thing?
There are a lot of different skin elements that can occur on a toddler. Since a child has sensitive skin to begin with, you may find that your child has something to deal with. The common issues are not something … READ MORE
Is Aloe Vera the miracle plant for healing pearly penile papules (PPP) bumps?
When it comes to dealing with a variety of different skin issues, you’ll find that there is one powerful solution that seems to work with nearly all options. Of course, there are some that don’t work with it, but a … READ MORE
Will disinfectant alcohol heal my pearly penile papules (PPP) bumps?
In regard to dermal changes, most things are easy to identify. But when there’s issues on the pubic region, things can get a little complicated. For the most part, people that have issues on their pubic areas, they will panic. … READ MORE
My husband or boyfriend have pearly penile papules! What should I tell him as a woman?
Women will often times be the first person to notice changes on the penis of a man. The reason why this may be is because they are more attentive, and may look at things from a sexual or even curious … READ MORE
I’m 15, 16 or 17 years old and have pearly penile papules! What do you do as a teenager?
Teenagers, even virgins may have to deal with certain pubic region issues. For males, the issue becomes something of a panic, especially when the changes may resemble a sexually transmitted disease or illness. Most people don’t really know about this, … READ MORE