There are many different issues that can start on the penis, and many people aren’t sure about them. Now, there are some that are related to sexual activity, but what if a person has an issue and it’s not related … READ MORE
ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes for pearly penile papules
There are many different issues that can end up on the penis, including STD and STI elements that most men aren’t ready to face off against. One solution that is often mistaken for a sexually transmitted disease is that of … READ MORE
How to tell a girl you have pearly penile papules on your balls sack and tip of penis during the first date?
There are a lot of health issues that you can face off against today. Men will have different issues than women, however, and that’s something that needs to be known. For instance, you’ll find that some men will have to … READ MORE
How to remove pearly penile papules fast in 3 days?
Roughly 20% of men will have to deal with issues associated with a problem known as PPP or pearly penile papules. These are issues that can cause a great deal of problem for those that aren’t familiar with them. These … READ MORE
How to make pearly penile papules less noticeable, less visible and less apparent?
When it comes to dealing with issues associated with penile tissue, you’re going to be tempted to panic. You may not want to panic, but you will most likely feel a bit of anxiety. When there are cosmetic changes to … READ MORE
Are glycolic acid and lactic acid for pearly penile papules removal an intelligent choice?
There are plenty of health issues that only men will have to deal with, including issues that are going to be isolated to the penis. The issues that you are going to find to be common here is that of … READ MORE
Are pearly penile papules more common among gay men and homosexual guys?
There are certain skin issues that appear on the penis. Some issues are not related to sexually transmitted diseases or anything like that. While others are associated with that. However, in the case of pearly penile papules, you’re going to … READ MORE
Should I worry about pearly penile papules on the frenulum of the penis?
Whenever there is a change to the anatomy, you should know what is going on. This is something that most people don’t really think about, until they see major changes. One of the changes that you are going to want … READ MORE
Is freezing off pearly penile papules with liquid nitrogen and cryotherapy the right removal solution?
Men should know to figure out any major issues that come forward on the skin of the penis. There are several things that you are going to find come through on the skin. The skin of the penis is somewhat … READ MORE
Does electrocautery and radiofrequency work to remove pearly penile papules?
There are several hundred thousand men that will have to deal with pearly penile papules today. This is something that can effect upwards of 20% of men worldwide, and it can occur in nearly any man. This is an issue … READ MORE